Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Debt consolidation part-2

These are a few Debt Consolidation facts that you should know about – Part 2

In part 1 I talked about debt consolidation and its pros and cons. In this article, I talked about different benefits of debt conslidation.

•Reduce, and eventually eliminate your high interest payments today with debt consolidation.

•Debt Consolidation company will provide you with informational resources and financial tools that you will need to help improve your personal finances.

•Debt consolidation programs are designed for someone who is behind or not paying at all.

•Debt Consolidation companies do not lend you money.

•The Debt Consolidation Program gets you out of debt, helps you avoid bankruptcy, and helps you avoid the trap of enrolling in a debt consolidation program.

•Debt consolidation is a debt repayment plan that eases your payments by lowering interest rates and eliminating your late fees.

•Debt settlement is not a public record, whereas bankruptcy is.

•Debt Consolidation is typically defined as taking your high-interest loans and credit cards and consolidating them into one, low-interest, convenient monthly payment.

•A debt management program allows you to make a single monthly payment that is in turn distributed to your creditors.

•In a debt management program, you actually repay the debt and clean up your credit report by eliminating the debts.

•Credit card companies prefer that people deal with specialized Debt Management firms who take on the huge burden of repayment agreements and terms as well as all the attendant paperwork.

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